
public struct Group
extension Device.Group: CustomStringConvertible

Group of a Device.

The LIFX Application allows users to organise each bulb by giving it a Group and a Location. Most users use groups to represent a room, and location to represent a property (such as a house or office) but this does not need to be the case. These Group and Location are stored on the bulbs themselves, and are designed so that they can be modified or renamed as long as one of the bulbs in the affected group is powered on.

  • id

    Unique ID of a Group.

    When determining what groups are available given the data from all the bulbs your app can see each unique id should be considered a separate group.



    public let id: Identifier
  • Text label for Group.



    public let label: String
  • Timestamp of last label update (UTC timestamp in nanoseconds).



    public let updatedAt: UInt64
  • Declaration


    public var description: String { get }